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Berlin, Germany · Berlin, Germany


Data and Analytics · Information Technology · Mobile, Platforms, and Apps · Software


51-200 employees



founded in


Ninox empowers line-of-business teams to automate backoffice workflows without the help of a developer. With this No-Code approach we help more than 2.800 companies across all industries to digitize business proceses. The market for no- and low-code application platforms grows rapdily and is expected to reach $27B in 2022. Leading vendors are Mendix, Outsystems and Appian. Though they manage to reduce time and effort to build custom business applications by factor 10 to 15, established products require extensive training and are sold at a price point that makes their introduction a strategic decision. Ninox is different: Combinig the smooth onboarding of modern productivity apps with the high flexibility of application platforms, we level the ground for a much broader adoption.

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